What We Do -
World Magazine
Canvas - For Painters
Iris - For Photographers
Scribe - For Writers
Noir - for Filmmakers
Relish - For Culinary
Change begins with me
We are proud to present the final installment of this year’s edition, jam-packed with the things that you like as always.
New sponsors, a beautiful new-year's treat and fascinating insights of our journey in 2020; the end of the year issue is our grandest publishing of the year.
Less Is More
In the modern society that shortly followed after the Great Industrial Revolution; we humans started to shape our fate by altering our surroundings at our will. In the process, we become powerful as a civilization; if not one-step closer to playing God.
It all has been beneficial to us but, can we say the same about the same surroundings that we observe around? And for how long will this all last in the first place?
The Carnevàle
We welcome you to our 'Carnevàle' where we have a Grand Ball of content to combat your stage-fright, the Great Art Exhibition, a salon to doll you up for the Mask-que-raid party our secret story for this issue.
We also will be presenting a food-court and some short-stories following that.
To conclude it all, we have a ballad and the Magic Ball of the Longsight - this month's astrology report.
Connecting Through Distancing
Our debut issue upon sharing quarantine-art, talking about the LGBTQ+ community and how black lives matter. We have interviewed two individuals from the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate the Pride Month. Alongwith it, we have shared the work of some talented creative-artists that they made in this lockdown and shared our recommendations of movies & activities to do under this quarantine!
Also includes the astrology for June.