Key Topics - LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Black Lives Matter, Lockdown & Quarantine Made Me Do it, Brush Art, Canvas Sketch, Food, Skincare, Photography, Music Production & DJ, Movie Recommendations, Astrology & Horoscope.

The first publication of our magazine line-up, 'Connecting Through Distancing' marks the beginning of our legacy that showcases a community of talented individuals; consisting of upcoming artists, content-creators, bloggers and micro-influencers. In June 2020, Renaissance was founded on the grounds of the understanding of how today's platforms and its algorithms can be overwhelmingly tough to get-by for especially new and upcoming aspirants in the creative-field; hence, how a different and an effective approach is needed to grow ever-so organically and fairly, with the needed-amount of motivation and inspiration in a peer-to-peer manner, especially in the lockdown and quarantine!

In our debut issue, we have talked about the Pride Month - its origins and interviewed two people from the said community. The interviewees, with our interviewer Asmi Dhakal (co-founder and chief editor of Renaissance) has discussed on some important topics that would help people better-understand the concept of the LGBTQ+ and how can the members with similar characteristics may come out as being themselves. Next to that, we have a short-poem on the unfortunate event that led to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Then, we have included some quarantine-art by our first members in the creative community, food and there is also a secret-topic that is closely related to cuisine and recipes aswell so be sure to check that out!

To top it off, we have showcased a very creative and effective skincare product that one can make at home with just two ingredients in this lockdown; followed by some stunning photography by two of our shutterbugs and introducing three Music Producers and DJs who are rocking the scene! Finally, we have concluded by putting four quarantine movie-recommendations and this month's horoscope!

At Renaissance, we match creativity with content. by the artists and served by the artists; the entire content-production line empowers inspiration and innovation and hence; bringing-in the much needed revival of art in this generation! "